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Chengjiang biota’s discovery: 40th anniversary International palaeontological forum
Date:2024-03-21 Author:

Chengjiang biota’s discovery: 40th anniversary

International palaeontological forum

The Chengjiang biota in Yunnan Province, which was discovered by palaeontologist Xianguang Hou from the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences on the 1st of July 1984, caused a sensation for it represents one of the most remarkable discoveries of the 20th century. It has always been a focal point for research on the Cambrian Explosion, and the early evolution of Arthropoda. The Chengjiang biota was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List at a meeting in St Petersburg on the 1st of July 2012, becoming China's first and Asia's only fossil World Natural Heritage site. The certificate accredited that “the rocks and fossils of the Chengjiang Fossil Site present an outstanding and extraordinarily preserved record that testifies to the rapid diversification of life on Earth during the early Cambrian period. In this geologically short interval, almost all major groups of animals had their origins. The diverse geological evidence from the Chengjiang Fossil Site presents fossil remains of the highest quality of preservation and conveys a complete record of an early Cambrian marine community” (UNESCO 2012). At present, the Chengjiang biota encompasses more than 20 phyla and 300 species. This biota documents a snapshot into the Cambrian radiation event, depicts a coherent sequence of events, and provides valuable insights into early metazoan evolution and palaeoecology.

With the goal of highlighting the importance of Chengjiang fossils and promoting palaeontology in China, as well as its development, Yunnan University’s Institute of Palaeontology, Yunnan Key Laboratory for Palaeobiology and MEC International Joint Laboratory for Palaeobiology and Palaeoenvironment will host Chengjiang biota’s 40th anniversary international palaeontological forum, which will be held in Chengjiang City, Yunnan Province from the 2nd — 6th of July 2024. Experts in the fields of palaeobiology, palaeoecology, palaeogeography, palaeoenvironmental sciences, sedimentology, stratigraphy, geochemistry, geochronology, and related areas are very welcome. Note the following if you please:



Institute of Palaeontology, Yunnan University

Yunnan Key Laboratory for Palaeobiology

MEC International Joint Laboratory for Palaeobiology and Palaeoenvironment


Chengjiang Fossil Site Natural History Museum


2nd — 6th of July 2024


Chengjiang Fossil Site Natural History Museum


Emerald Bay Hotel Fuxian Lake (Cambrian Town), Chengjiang City, Yunnan Province (approximately 1.6 km from the venue). The rate for a single room or a standard room is 330 CNY/night, and a shuttle service is available. Naturally, attendees may wish to arrange accommodation elsewhere, and are welcome to do so. Taxis operate out of Kunming Changshui International Airport and Kunming South Railway Station (see maps below for directions). One may drive if one is so inclined. Forum organisers will schedule shuttle buses, on the day of registration, for attendees arriving at the airport/railway station.


This forum includes oral presentations (in English) and posters (in English or English with Mandarin where necessary). Presentations are allocated 20 minutes, including five minutes for questions. Posters should measure 841 mm × 1189 mm (i.e., A0).

Proceedings will be compiled electronically. Attendance confirmation (see attachment) must be e-mailed to the forum secretariat (details below) before the 15th of April 2024. To encourage young talents’ development, students who present at the forum have the chance to win either ‘best oral presentation’ or ‘best poster’. Students interested in participating should submit their abstracts, on time, and indicate their intention to compete (students must be first author of associated works). Students are also encouraged to be proactive for the duration of the forum, i.e., each student should, with enthusiasm, develop his/her respective research network.


The forum will include five main stages:

  1. Opening ceremony

  2. Keynote Speeches

  3. On-site visits

  4. Presentations

  5. Field trips


Day 1 (2nd of July)    

Registration (all day)

Preparation for the poster exhibition

Day 2 (3rd of July)    

Morning: opening ceremony; keynote speeches; and on-site visits (museum tour)

Afternoon: presentations (The Cambrian Explosion: the origin and evolution of metazoans)

Poster session

Day 3 (July 4th)    

Morning: presentations (The Cambrian Explosion: the origin and evolution of metazoans)

Afternoon: presentation (The Palaeoenvironment and Taphonomy of the Cambrian Lagerstätte)

Poster session

Days 4 and 5 (5th — 6th of July)    

Field Trips (choose one of the following routes):

Route 1: the primary exposure of the Chengjiang Fossil Site and the Chengjiang Workstation of the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) - Meishucun - Ercaicun, Haikou (stay at Yunda Hotel) - Kunming Changshui International Airport - Kunming South Railway Station

Route 2: the primary exposure of the Chengjiang Fossil Site and the Chengjiang Workstation of the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) - World Dinosaur Valley - Dinosaur Museum (stay in Lufeng) - Kunming Changshui International Airport - Kunming South Railway Station

Route 3: the primary exposure of the Chengjiang Fossil Site and the Chengjiang Workstation of the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) - Stone Forest - Luoping (stay in Luoping) - Kunming Changshui International Airport - Kunming South Railway Station


The rate of CNY 1,500 (= USD 210) per participant includes materials, venues, services, inter-session inspections, and transportation, among others. Participants are responsible for their own accommodation. Student representatives are entitled to the reduced rate of CNY 1,200 (= USD 170) (student ID required).

CNY 1,500 (= USD 210) per participant allows attendees to attend post-conference field trips Fee, and that rate includes transportation, materials, service charges, and accommodation costs. Again, a reduced rate, this time of CNY 1,000 (= USD 140), is available to students. Note that a minimum of 20 people is required for a field trip to take place.  



14th of June 2024       Second and final notice date

15th of April 2024        Deadline for submission of the confirmation form

31st of May 2024        Deadline for abstract submission

N.b. As post-conference field trips involve bus rental and hotel reservations, etc., it is imperative that participants submit their confirmation forms to the forum secretariat by the 15th of April 2024 (e-mail: Confirmation forms submitted after this date cannot guarantee a spot.

Contact information for the forum secretariat

Contact Persons: Guo-Li Zi, Hai-Yan Tian, Yu-Shan Zhang

Contact Number: 0871-65032378



Institute of Palaeontology, Yunnan University

Yunnan Key Laboratory for Palaeobiology  

15thof March 2024

Map: Kunming Changshui International Airport to Emerald Bay Hotel Fuxian Lake, Cambrian Town, Chengjiang    

Proposal: Take a taxi via the Song-Kun Expressway and the Yin-Kun Expressway, covering a total distance of 87.1 km, with an estimated fare of approximately CNY 201, and a travel time of 1 hour and 22 minutes.

Map: Kunming South Railway Station to Emerald Bay Hotel Fuxian Lake, Cambrian Town, Chengjiang    

Proposal 1 of 2: Take a taxi via Chengyuan Expressway and Chengchuan Road, covering a total distance of 58 km, with an estimated fare of approximately CNY 118, and a travel time of 1 hour and 10 minutes.


Proposal 2 of 2: Take a taxi via Yinkun Expressway and Chengyuan Expressway, covering a total distance of 66.3 km, with an estimated fare of approximately CNY 118, and a travel time of 1 hour and 12 minutes.


Conference attendance confirmation form    


Save this form using your surname as file name and e-mail it to (Guo-Li Zi) by the 15th of April 2024    


Full name



M (  )

F (  )










Yes (  )

No (  )

Report title


Attendance type

Presentation  (  )

Poster (  )

Student  candidate for Best Presentation Award

Yes (  ) No (   )

Post-conference  field trip

Attending (  ) Route (   )

Not attending  (  )

Hotel  reservation      

Standard room  with large single bed (   )

Standard room  with twin beds (   )

Requests or  suggestions



[N.b. tick () or number as appropriate]


The deadline for abstract submissions is the 31stof May 2024. Please send your abstract as an attachment to the forum secretariat e-mail:




Title (Bold 12pt)    

Times New Roman, line spacing 1.15 lines

Author1)Author2) Author3)12pt  

1) Affiliation, City & Postal code, email address8pt  

2) Affiliation, City & Postal code, email address8pt  

3) Affiliation, City & Postal code, email address8pt  


Abstract (Bold 10.5pt)



Keywords (Bold 10.5pt)Keyword 1Keyword 2Keyword 3 (10.5pt)

